Blockchain automotive solutions by H Bhanushali · 2019 · Cited by 7 — The architecture of the given solution is chosen to be implemented using Blockchain as it has greater transparency, enhanced security, improved traceability,.
What is the VCC structure and why you should know about it? by T Huynh-The · 2023 · Cited by 103 — Multi-sensory XR applications combined with holographic telepresence and blockchain technology ... As a serious global issue noticed by many governments and ...
What Is Blockchain Security? | IBM In this guide, we'll explain how blockchain payments work and walk you through the journey of a transaction – on the frontend and back.
Blockchain Technology by Y Yao · 2019 · Cited by 26 — Utilizing the improved CP-ABE scheme and the permissioned blockchain technology, we propose a lightweight and privacy-preserving IDaaS ...
Blockchain for Vehicular Internet of Things CV VC is a blockchain venture capital firm, providing seed funding and an acceleration program to transformative technology teams worldwide.